Dry building mixtures
CCC production is one of the leading segments of the Russian construction industry. The national market for finishing materials is growing rapidly. On average, there are 5 kg of mixtures per year per resident of the Russian Federation. The demand for products is huge, however, the building materials sector is going through a far from best period. Market leaders demand quality products, the latest technologies, and thoughtful logistics solutions.
Industry restructuring
Nowadays, the domestic manufacturer of CCC has successfully carried out import substitution, displacing foreign companies in all areas. The production of dry formulations has increased by 97% since 2000 thanks to the emerging brands: Domix, Volma, TechnoPlaster, Stone Flower, KNAUF, etc. How companies have modernized can be shown using the example of Baustrol. It was founded in 2004 and initially used the experience, technology and equipment of the German M-Tes. Now it is an independent, young leader in the domestic market.
Modern production
Dry mortars come in two types: cement and gypsum. For large firms focused on long-term interaction with construction corporations or individuals, the ideal solution is to saturate the market with mixtures on all bases. The construction of Baustrol in Chuvashia was based on several prerequisites, such as the proximity of a cement plant, a sand quarry, river sand alluvium, etc. The company produced only sand concrete and CBPB. But there was a need to expand the range of materials. When developing new technologies, recipes from European monopolists were used, which already had a rich history and experience in the production of ready-made high-grade building compositions.
High-tech solutions
Thanks to the coordinated interaction of employees and the high level of training of specialists, good results were obtained in a short period (we learn from other people’s mistakes). Currently, the Baustrol brand is a modern high-tech production focused on the production of materials, the introduction of rational CAQs, and the formation of a calculated sales mechanism.
State and needs of the CCC market
The domestic market is practically no different from Western markets. It is represented by installation, masonry, waterproofing, flooring, repair, plaster and putty mixtures, mineral binders, and additives. About 200 Russian holdings are successfully working in this direction. The main consumers of SSS are real estate developers. But restoration, finishing, repair projects, and individual housing construction require a larger volume.
Development prospects
The sustainable development of the industry is facilitated by continuous innovations introduced by companies into production processes. Recently, a stable trend has been established in the consumption system away from sheet material towards CCC. For example, in some cases, facade plaster is more in demand. It solves several problems - insulating houses and creating a spectacular facade exterior. Market participants are tirelessly working to expand product lines and create innovative chemical elements.